Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My poor lost optimistic son!

As if I am not emotional enough, I wrote the last blog while Grant was in school. I then waited for his bus, and waited and waited. He got out at 3:20 and I called at 4:00 to see where he was. I was told he was put on the wrong bus, oh- my poor baby is driving around West Bend by himself in a BIG school bus, he NEEDS his mom right now to cuddle with and tell him everything is going to be okay and he is alone. He finally got home at 4:45, I went out to get him off the bus and tried not to cry, I look at him and say "Hi honey", he goes "Mom I got to ride on a big school bus"with a huge smile on his face, of course he had no clue he was on the wrong bus. Wow, I am going to be a basketcase when they grow up.

1 comment:

Raina said...

Yeah I would have freaked out! I am glad he was postive!
Hey email me your email address so I can add you to my blog, if your not on yet. jones7gal@hotmail.com
Dale says hi!