Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yesterday I was so excited it was the weekend, I had great plans to relax this weekend. Unfortunatly-life happens. Friday (after working 8.5 hours)I made beef jerky, homemade ice cream, and taped Lucie's room to paint it. Saturday, I ran into town to run a few errands, spent 2.5 hours at school re-arranging the baby/one year old room, took the kids to the lake, went to cabelas with hubbie, and painted Lucie's room. Which brings me to 11:45 saturday night. I am exhausted, and all Begonia'ed out. For those of you who don't know what a begonia is-it is a flower(which hubbie knew and I didn't.) it is also the color I painted Lucie's room. Hmmmm, I could picture an outcome for my room, Lu's is a little harder, she picked the color, she LOVES the color-and that is what matters. I will not post the color until it is completly done, but just know it is VERY PINK PINK PINK!!!

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