Today Lucie had her family/friends birthday party down at the park. For the second year in a row it has been cold/cloudy and raining on and off. Lucie had a care bear cupcake cake, which was a great idea for a park party!! She was very excited when people came and ran up and hugged them. This is picture is of Lucie walking up the stairs with her cousin Ava.

This year we got a pinata that you had to hit.

Lucie picked out her own cake and she wanted a carebear cupcake cake, which turned out great because it was much easier then a cake at the park!

One of the many presents that my mom got Lucie was a 5 in 1 bath/high chair/crib/everything else with lots of home-made accessories to go with it. One of which was an adorable care bear diaper bag that Lucie loves. Here is Lucie and Ava checking it out!

Once we got home Lucie put on a pair of shoes that she got, they are purple jelly shoe thongs and they are so cute. If you ask her where she got them from she says from her Jayden!

Lucie's favorite present has to be the American Girl doll my mom got her that looks just like her, it has blonde hair and blue eyes!

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR MAKING LUCIE'S BIRTHDAY SO SPECIAL!! A big thanks to my mom for taking so much time to make her so many home made presents!!