Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rain, Rain finally went away

We signed up for tball 2 1/2 months ago and counted down, all the way to the day of his first practice, but the rain beat us to it. It was cancelled and he was devastated. They rescheduled for last night an dhe had a crazy BLAST. He did great, he caught the ball, ran, hit the ball-he was adorable, I must have taken at least 50 pictures and it was only his first practice. He has a game tomorrow and we are super excited.

My neighbor has a rhubbarb plant that has been there since she bought the house 40 years. The stalks are bigger then the kids, Yahoo, super excited.
After much whinning from Josh's mom and myself he finally had the bump on his face looked at. The doctor cut it out right away and is testing it for cancer!! He will get a black eye the doc. said, too bad he doesn't have a mullet, a black eye and mullet would be adorable. We will keep you updated on the findings!!

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